Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

Procedure Use Mixer

1 Position the mixer speed selector switch at position '0' 

2 Insert the two stems kneading in the hole 

3 Insert the 'plug' on the outlet voltage AC 220 ~ 230 volts, 50 ~ 60 Hz. Attention! This magnitude should not be violated. Violation of these electrical quantities can cause fatal damage to the mixer 

4 Position the mixer speed selector switch on position "1". The motor must rotate with the second mixer kneading stalk. The mixer motor rotation is due to the flow of electric current from the power source to the terminal switch position "1", go to the ends of the windings L1, L2 and then to the winding, winding L3, then go to the end of sikat1, to the commutator, enter the rotor windings, to sikat2, go to the end of the primary winding, and end up going back to the power source (neutral terminals) 

5 Repeat step four for the position of the speed selector switch Round 2 and 3 motors at position 3 should be faster than at position 2 and 1 while the motor in position 2 should be faster than the current speed selector switch is in a position select '1' . If the procedure steps 4 and 5 are not successful 

6 Run the mixer until the batter is considered good for the stirring was stopped. Attention! Never too old to run the motor mixer, to over an hour without stopping. The use of well above an hour without stopping will increase the temperature of the motor and the heat would be fatal. These conditions can lead to a motor burnt mixer 

7 Wipe or wash clean all components except the mixer body shortly after use so as not moldy. Attention! Mixer body should not be washed. In the body there is a mixer mixer motors and electrical circuits. 

When the mixer running, then the electric current from the power source will flow into the mixer through the plug, the speed selector switch, main and auxiliary windings on one side, go to sikat1, commutator, rotor windings, to the commutator, then go to the main winding and help on side two, to brush and back to the source. Therefore, if the mixer is not currently connected to the power source, then check all the points through which the electrical current. There is something wrong in one or several points of the current flow. The next explanation will be discussed in sub pokoki discussion of maintenance and repair of mixer 

How to Use Mixer 
a) Check and match the needs of the working voltage and frequency suplei with voltage frekluensi installed and working in a place you would use a mixer 

b) Position the mixer speed selector switch on position "0". 

c) Enter the second kneading stalk on the right hole until it 'clicks'. 

d) Insert the 'plug' it right on the outlet voltage AC 220 ~ 230 volts, 50 ~ 60 Hz. Attention! This magnitude should not be violated. Violation of these electrical quantities can cause fatal damage to the mixer. Hold both ends of the plug (not the cable penghantarnya) when inserting and removing the plug from the wall socket and to the 

e) Position the mixer speed selector switch on position "1". Do not directly use a high position (position 3). The motor must rotate with the second mixer kneading stalk. 

f) Set the mixer speed to slowly, step by step. From fast to slow, or from slow to fast. Do not suppress or shift the speed selector switch with haphazard. This carelessness can damage the tongues of mixer speed selector switch contacts. 

g) Attention! Never too old to run the motor mixer, to over an hour without stopping. The use of well above an hour without stopping will increase the temperature of the motor and the heat would be fatal. These conditions may result in burning mixer motors. 

h) Clean or wash clean all components except the mixer body shortly after use so as not moldy. 

i) Attention! Mixer body should not be washed. In the body there is a mixer mixer motors and electrical circuits. Washing the mixer body will moisten mixer motors and electrical circuits. This can result in the motor mixers and mixer connected electrical short circuit (short circuit). Subsequent impact is a series of electrical motors and the motor will burn when run again.

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